de Moonshara e.V. © 2024

IRA Kassel 2022

von | 08. Jan. 2023 | IRA

The Kassel Double CACIB Show, held in December in central Germany, was an eventful weekend for Team de Moonshara, featuring both Aluna and Azuli de Moonshara.

Saturday Highlights

With a last-minute judge change to Mr. Kersten (DE), both girls excelled:

    • Aluna: Achieved EXC1 in the Intermediate Class, was awarded CAC and CACIB, and to our delight, claimed Best of Breed (BOB)!
    • Azuli: Secured EXC1 in the Youth Class, bringing her closer to the German Youth Champion title.)

Celebrations followed at the hotel with a well-deserved feast of big schnitzels. What a day!

Sunday Challenges

Under judge Mr. Fricke (DE), the day proved less fortunate. Judging ran late, and as time went on, the judge’s demeanor grew increasingly brusque. When it was Azuli’s turn, she was visibly unsettled by the judge’s rough handling during examination. Despite her best effort, she earned only a VG, dashing our hopes for her Youth Champion title.

Tensions escalated when Volker confronted the judge about his behavior, which seemingly influenced Aluna’s result—she was awarded an EXC2.

Final Thoughts

Despite the setbacks, we couldn’t be prouder of Azuli, who remains our internal second Youth Champion! The highs and lows of the weekend will undoubtedly stay with us, but we celebrate the victories and cherish our amazing girls.